Planting flowers that bloom in the fall is a great way to add fall color and beauty to your lawn. Choose fall flowers that require minimal maintenance like mums, sunflowers, or autumn blooming crocus (these bulbs should be planted in September). Be on the lookout for sales at local nurseries because fall is the best time of year to buy high-quality fall flower bulbs!
You can also use fall flowers as an opportunity to grow some vegetables this season. Planting fun things like leaf lettuce and spinach you can eat fresh from your own garden all winter long! Just make sure not plant them until October so they don't get nipped by frost before harvesting.
What's better than eating homegrown food? Growing it yourself which is why we recommend investing in quality vegetable garden raised beds that you can find on sale after fall season.
If you want to go the extra mile, plant some fall vegetables in your raised beds and keep them growing throughout winter! You can do this by bringing them inside during inclement weather or even outdoors if it's cold enough (winter temperatures should be at least 32 degrees Fahrenheit).